ಆರನೇ ಸಂಚಿಕೆ: ವಿಜ್ಞಾನ ಹಾಗೂ ಮೌಲ್ಯ ಶಿಕ್ಷಣ (Episode 6 : Instilling Creative Thinking and Good Values in Children)
Ms.Soubhagya Ilakal of Gadag has been teaching Science and Mathematics to Higher Primary students for the past ten years.
From the day she became a teacher, she wanted the children to be independent thinkers, with a scientific outlook, with special care towards the environment. She also wanted them to be creative and logical in their approach. She hit upon the idea of a Science laboratory in the school.
With the help and support of her senior colleagues, she was able to start a laboratory. This inspired the students to understand the lessons better. She started taking the students out to fields and farms where she could show them the relevance of what they learnt in the classroom. She asked them to make seed balls and showed them the process of germination and other stages of plant life. These seed balls were sown in actual farms during rains. This activity encouraged the students to think about their environment as well. They organised an essay competition on rainwater harvesting, preservation of natural diversity.
Children were taken to agriculture development centres where they learnt about improving soil fertility by making vermicompost. The teachers could see a visible change in the children’s willingness to learn. They started sowing seeds and planting saplings in their courtyards. Some have done rainwater harvesting in their fields voluntarily. Some have educated their parents too!Soubhagya feels it is important to instil values in children. She thinks education with no values would lead to the downfall of humans in the future. Hence she takes up value education sessions before teaching from the books.
She insists on children understanding the value of discipline, peace, empathy, and sacrifice.In addition, she stresses the importance of Mathematics based on common sense. A student from her school took part in the ‘Inspire Award’ competition. He made an environment-friendly pesticide sprayer to help his father. He went on to participate in the district and State level competition as well. She acknowledges the contributions of her headmaster and other colleagues and the encouragement by the Dept. of Education.
Hope you enjoyed listening to this recording by Akshara Foundation. If you have an interesting story, please contact 98450 79590.